DORA (Deployable Optics for Remote sensing Applications) is a partnership between SITAEL, INAF (IAPS and OaPd), Università Parthenope, STEAM SRL and KAD3 SRL, and funded by MUR, to design, build and test a prototype of a deployable optical system for Remote Sensing applications in the VIS and IR spectral ranges. A deployable telescope and straylight shield is interfaced to a focal plane instrument. The telescope, stored in a folded configuration during launch to minimize volume, will be fully deployed in operative configuration once in flight by means of actuators. The range of applications of such optomechanical technologies, in a space environment and onboard small satellites, are potentially very wide extending from Earth Observation satellites to Solar System exploration missions.
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We are grateful to the funding agency MUR for supporting DORA Project ARS01_00653, as part of “PON R&I 2014-2020”.
Press References